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DOWNLOAD MP3: Bob Joe - Chere (Wait On God)

Gospel music minister, worship leader and songwriter, Bob Joe releases his long awaited debut single titled “Chere”

Chere is an Igbo word which means “wait on God”. Its a song to encourage those who think and feel God has abandoned them. It’s a song to restore broken relationships between God and His people, to restore covenants between the creator and the creature, to revive the Christians and re-orient them that God is still very much on the throne and that He still answers prayers.

According To Bob Joe; I wrote this song in the year 2014. It was the 4th year of battle between my purpose for life from God and purpose of the devil for me. The devil tried all his best to shift me from the way God has prepared for me but God proved that He is still God over my life. These four years I went through disappointment, confusion, delay and frustration but all I did was never to let go of Him(God), I held on to His word for me over my life. And 2015 became a new change for me till now.

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He hears your cry, He hears your voice

When you pray in the middle of the night

When you call on Him, when you call on His name

Then He will say; my son just wait on me

I’m gonna come just in my time

What an awesome God we serve

What a mighty God He is, He has never changed

He’s the God of Abraham, He’s the God of Isaac and of Israel

Just put your trust and faith in Him


Have faith in God (aah, aah, aah, aah)

He will never let you down

Just hold on to Him (aah, aah, aah)

He will never let you fall…


Chere oo (wait), chere oo, chere oo

To kwasi chukwu obi (depend on God)

Chere oo, chere oo, chere oo oo

To kwasi chukwu obi


Bible verse quotation (Isa 40:31)

And when it looks as if all hope is gone

Just remember that He’s still on the throne

For He’s the God of yesterday, today and tomorrow

Don’t lose your faith in Him



Okuse Joseph popularly called Bob Joe. Origin of Delta state. He is a pianist, song writer, composer and gospel singer. He started singing at the age of 6.

The holy spirit is his greatest source of inspiration and other music ministers that inspires him are Don Moen and Michael w. Smith.

He loves writing songs when he is on the piano and the songs comes easily that way. He started writing songs way back in 2011. Although since he was young as a boy in the children choir, he always had the passion to write songs.

His favorite part in the line of music is the praise and worship aspect and also cool sensational songs. He has always faced the crowd all his life since he was 6, so he doesn’t have any performance anxiety. And he believes good practice/rehearsal brings good performance aside the Holy spirit our helper.

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