He Will Make A Way is a prayer song, calling on God for mercy and a message from God to us. Isaiah 54:1-8., isaiah 43:19 ,isaiah 55:11 and Jeremiah 1:12.
The song was received during the 2018 cross over service to 2019. During the prayer and worship time in church, i heard my spirit singing the song and i knew it was God trying to say something to me. Then., i ran out ,took my phone and recorded the first four lines so i wont forget. From there the complete line came at the place of prayer and deep meditation.
This song is beyond me, its a message to the entire world. God will make a way, He will part the sea, He wipe our tears and cause our heart to merry again.
He has promise to rise and cause our heart to merry again. Take the message of hope and pray along then watch God proof Himself as Lord over your storms. Amen.
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