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DOWNLOAD MP3: Mr M & Revelation - Praise The Lord

Nigeria leading music group Mr. M & Revelation releases another praise medley titled ‘Praise the Lord’. The medley features popular Nigerian songs obtained from public domains.

The joyous and melodic rendition will ignite an atmosphere of praise and definitely put a smile on your face as you praise.

Mr. M & Revelation recently recently released a single ‘Onye inye Akam (My Helper) ‘ which has gotten thousands of streams and positive reviews.

Mr. M & Revelation have built a strong reputation and consistently contibuted to the music industry with highy anointed songs.

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Imara mma Jesus idi ebube

(You’re beautiful Jesus, you’re glorious)

Idi oke onu ahia

(You’re priceless)

Jehovah bu chineke onye m na efe

(Jehovah God I serve)

Ribe otito na ibu okaka

(Take the glory Almighty)


Kele ya kele ya na obu eze

(Praise HIM he’s king)

Kele Jesus na obu eze

(Praise Jesus He’s King)

Jesus idinma

(Jesus you’re good)


Asi na obughi Jehovah

(If not Jehovah)

Gini kam ga eme na eluwa nka

(What would become of me in this world)

Gini kam ga eme

(What would become of me)


Omekwala ya ozo

(He has done it again)

Ome ihe ukwu

(the doer of great things)

Jehovah e mego kwa ya ozo

(Jehovah has done it again)

Obu ome ihe ukwu

(He’s the doer of great things)


Echetara m ihe omere m

(I recount all he has done)

Jesus onye obi oma

(Jesus the good God)


Ekele chukwu di anyi mma

(God’s praise is good with us)

Ka anyi kele ya

(Let’s praise him)


Ihe nile m nwere na uwa di gi na aka

(All I have is in your hands)

Ego di gi na aka

(Wealth is in your hands)

Ndu di gi na aka

(Life is in your hands)

Ebe m nwere Eze Jesus

(Since I have king Jesus)

Onye ka m ga turu ibu ozo

(Who else do I want)


Ndi muo ozi na efe oke ifufe

(The angels give great worship)

Ifufe ahu si na aka onye new anyi puta

(That worship that comes from our Lord)

Oge na abia

(A time is coming)

Mgbe anyi ga agba oche Eze gburu gburu ala Eze

(When we’ll surround the throne of God’s kingdom)


Amara ya obara uba na ebem no

(Gods Grace is sufficient for me)

Amarachukwu bara uba na ebem no

(The grace of God is sufficient for me)


Ebe m nwere Eze Jesus

(When I Jesus)

Ngaga na ebum ebu

(I boast)


Ona eme ihe na adighi ekwe omume

(He makes the impossible possible) X3

Ihe na adighi ekwe omume

(The impossible)

Ka ona eme

(He makes possible)


Chukwu nara ekele

(Lord receive thanks)

Ihe ina emere m dimma

(You do good things for me) (X2)

Up up Jesus

Down down Satan (X2)


Unu gwa m ihe unu nwere

(Everyone tell me what you have)

Anyi nwere onwu

(We have joy)

Onwu onwu onwu

(Joy joy joy)

Onwu na ime Jesus

(Joy in Jesus)

Onwu na adigide ruo ebiyebi

(Joy for ever)


Anya m ahugo onye nzoputa

(My eyes have seen the savior)

Nti m anugo iheoma ona eme

(My ears have heard his good deeds)

Onye na agwo m oria odighi ana m ego

(The one who heals me without taking a dime)

Onye na egbo m mkpa odighi ana m ugwo

(He who takes care of me unconditionally)

Chineke anyi dinma

(Our God is good)

Eh odinma

(Yes he’s good)


Oru ebube chineke na ema

(The good things God does)

Ona awu m akpata oyi na aru

(Gives me goose bumps)


Onwere onye m ga akpo aha ya

(There’s a name I will mention)

Kpo ya

(Call him)

M kpo ya ihe ukwu ga eme

(When I call him great things happen)


Onya ahu bu onye

(Who is HE)

Onye ahu bu Jesus

(HE is Jesus)


Ino nime Jesus

(When you’re in Jesus)

Buru nke Jesus

(And belong to Jesus)

Oka mma obuya Ka mma

(It’s the best)


Hallelujah shouting hosana Amen Amen


So gi ka m ma

(It’s only you I know)

Soso gi ka m ma chineke

(It’s only you I know , God)


Oji chukwu ji ihe

(He who has God has everything)

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