Seme is a young man passionate about worshipping God in Spirit and in Truth. His message emphasises on honesty, simplicity and openness in worshipping God while we await the Return of the Lord Jesus.
Seme is a practising medical doctor and happily married to Damilola and they have a daughter. They live happily in Newcastle under Lyme, England and are excitedly looking for opportunities to worship God where you are.
Seme has been singing in choirs since he was aged 8 years and has led praise and worship alongside many gifted artistes. He has so far released four singles, “More than Enough”, “ My God” “King of Grace” and now he has brought the Love Letter to the table.
With powerful lyrics and an afrobeat sound, Love Letter is the awesome new single from UK gospel artist Seme. Love Letter, while being true to the honesty and passion we now know with Seme, also daringly and successfully ventures into afrobeat. Seme says;
“I wrote this song for people like us who often get letters and emails and don’t read them. Just because you didn’t read the letter doesn’t mean the contents didn’t come through. I’m here to tear the envelope and read the words out till you can’t escape the love God has freely given.”
The new single follows on from his hit track ‘King of Grace’ which was featured on the aStepFWD Music Charts website; and there’s no doubt that Love Letter will be just as successful.
Seme, the Newcastle under Lyme based artist did a great job on the track and definitely conveys the message of God through this song. The chorus alone which states ‘It’s my blood that justifies, and I love you, I love you, I love you’ is a great reminder that His love for us is there regardless of what life throws our way.
Little baby, I can hear you running
I can feel you cry into my pierced hands
You can’t see me
You feel I’m not there
I’m Emmanuel
Little baby you hide all those secrets
You hear me calling but shame tears you to pieces
Please remember that even in hell
I’m Emmanuel
Just know that
I love you (3x)
It’s my blood that justifies and
I love you (3x)
See how high the mountains that you’re climbing
Even in the darkness I am there
In the shadows, where you’re hiding
I’m Emmanuel
Tell my family nothing can withstand them
I am Jesus and I’m undefeated
I will hold you, I will save you
I’m Emmanuel
There is nothing, that can separate Me from you
There is nothing, that is greater than My offering
There is nothing, that is stronger that is purer
Than the love I have for you
What could wash away our sin
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
What has made us whole again
Nothing but the blood of Jesus