Tonia Omoh dedicates her tribute to the Lover of her soul on this powerful song titled “JESUS” which is an exclusive eulogy and heartfelt acknowledgement of the Miracle of Grace, lauding GOD for giving us Himself as a Priceless Gift in the person of JESUS CHRIST; our ransom, our Saviour and Sacrificial Lamb.
This new song can be likened to a toast to His love so matchless and unparalleled hence my unreserved rendition of this masterpiece which undoubtedly is more than just a song but a revelation and an exposition of His transaction for our redemption and deliverance, which is colourfully narrated and depicted in the live rhythm, strong lyrics, impeccable vocals with resounding assurance and gratitude
This new song was written and composed by Apostle Charles Omoh and produced by SongsP Oluwatosin.
Jesus precious gift of Grace
I deserved to die
But you died in my place
Jesus, Lamb of God was slain
Suffered my guilt and shame,i’m saved by His Grace
Words are not enough to express your love for me
You are bigger than life my Lord to me
Your love for me is matchless
Your love for me is priceless
Nothing on Earth compares to your love for me
Jesus precious gift of Grace
I deserved to die
But you died in my place
Jesus, Lamb of God was slain
Suffered my guilt and shame,i’m saved by His Grace
I wanna say thank you
Your love for me is so special
I feel the miracle of your Grace
Your mercies abound
Jesus precious gift of Grace
I deserved to die
But you died in my place
Jesus, Lamb of God was slain
Suffered my guilt and shame,i’m saved by His Grace