From Travis Greene latest project ‘Oil + Water’, Travis Greene alongside Darrel Walls & Chandler More bring the studio version of this song to life.
Dependable is a song of hope that reminds us that in every situation, our God never fails. This song captures a new creative sound and approach to worship.
The song was recorded live in Greenville, SC in August of 2021.
Your Love is not temporary
Up and down, in and out
When it starts, it won’t stop
Your love will keep going
On and on and on
You are dependable God
Thank You for saving me
Thank You for loving me too much to leave
You’re not just the God who saves
But You are the One that remains the same
Thru every high and low You’ll stay always
I can count on You
You are not Ordinary
Here today, then far away
You’ll be there, when they’re not
Your love just keeps going
Without end, limitless
You are dependable God
Thank You for saving me
Thank You for loving me too much to leave
You’re not just the God who saves
But You are the One that remains the same
Thru every high and low You’ll stay always
I can count on You
Always, I can count on You
You are Dependable
You are Dependable