Minister Nayaah, a Ghanaian living in London and a worship leader and evangelist for Christ, has launched the GREATEST OFFICIAL VIDEO which is part of her ALBUM released last year 2022.
Ooh non can be compared unto Jesus
For you are the greatest of all, among the gods who can be compared unto ooh Lord you are the ancients of days
I will worship you 2×
You are greater, you are stronger 2×
None can be compared unto 2×
You are the greatest, you are the strongest ooh Lord 2×
None can be compared unto you, there’s no one else but you.
Yes Lord we glorify your holy name for you are the mighty one, you are the great one, non can be compared unto you ooh Lord thank you Jesus thank you father
You are greater than the greatest you are the stronger than the strongest.
You are the greatest 2×
You are the strongest
Ooh ooh ooh
You are greater than the greatest you are the stronger than the strongest.
You are greater, you are greater ooh ooh oooooo
Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah