Ejen x Ifeworships x Asatta x Dupsy The Move Mp3 Download
Ejen x Ifeworships x Asatta x Dupsy – The Move : THE MOVE is a song that ushers in the very presence of God and can best be described in one word….PROPHETIC, amongst other things.
THE MOVE was received at Gatehouse Music studio where four friends and minstrels Ejen, Ifeworships, Asatta and Dupsy came together for a song writing session which was followed by a live recording in response to a divine instruction and guidance..
All four minstrels are worship leaders in the music department of Guiding Light Assembly under the tutelage of pastor Wale Adefarasin,
From the very first note of this song, you can be sure the glory of God is present to heal, deliver and set free.
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Connect with the artistes:
Instagram: @officialejen X @ifeworships X @asattarita X @dupsylive
Facebook: Ejen Peace Odu X IfeOluwa Akinpelu X Henriatta Asatta Allwell-Brown X Dupsy Adesina-Oyeneyin