Jimmy D Psalmist Ony’Inye Akam My Helper Mp3 Download
Jimmy D Psalmist – Ony’Inye Akam (My Helper) Ft. Amarachi Eze: “There is no man alive who has not been helped by God. The fact that you are alive is an indication of God’s help over your life. Every great man is a product of God’s help, for there is nothing we have that has was not given from above.
“This is a song of deep appreciation to the finished work of Christ on the cross, a song of gratitude to God for what He has done and what He will do in our lives.
“Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you ONY’INYE AKAM meaning MY HELPER. Let’s worship our God, Our helper and have Him do more in our lives.” – Jimmy D Psalmist
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Watch the vivid visuals below:
All I have, you gave it all to me
where I am, it’s all by your grace
where I’m going, It’s all because of you
Onye inye akam oooo (My Helper oooo)
I’ve come to worship you
Onye inye akam oooo 3x
(My Helper oooo)
I’ve come to Worship you
Onye inye akam oooo 2x
(My Helper oooo)
The one you helped
has come to worship you
Iyee iyee iyee………
Andinwam oooo (My Helper oooo)
I’ve come to worship
Lord I am here because you choose to help me
Lord I made it because you’re on my side
By your mercy I am who I am Daddy
Onye inye akam ooo (My Helper oooo)
I’ve come to worship
When men wrote me off, you made a way for me
I’m still standing because You never leave me
Lord I’m nothing without you my Helper oo
Andinwam oooo (My Helper oooo)
I’ve come to worship
Nmuo ke nmuo (4x)
Supreme being
Oje na nmuo, oje na mmadu chukwu oma
you operate in form of human and spirit, Good God
Ibu oke nmuo 2x
You are a great Spirit
Okechi eeee, Ikuku ama n’onya chukwu baba
Great God, Untrapable win
Ejim ekele bia, ejim otito we bia
I come to thank you and to worship you
Okechi eeeh, ibu okechi nke n’eri oke aja
Great God, you are a great God who accepts great sacrifice
Akwa Okwuru Eze
Unpushable King
Odighi onye gina ya so Ihere n’eme, Eze
No one can be put to shame while following you
Ike K’ike (Superior Power)
Okwa gi jere ala nmuo we buru ugo we la Eze
Ozoworo ola eeeh 2x
The One that cannot be trapped
Ebube dike, Nmuo ke nmuo, Chukwu oma
Mighty One, Supreme being, Beautiful God
Oje na nmuo Oje na nmadu
you operate in form of a spirit and of a human
Onye ga agwa gi ihe me? Dike n’agha
Who can direct you? Mighty man in battle
Ebiye bi Eluigwe, Echete Obi esie ike
Endless God of heaven, My Confidence
Nmuo ka nmuo, Eze ndi eze
Supreme being, King of Kings
Ike k’ike eeeeeeeh, onye inye akam eze
Supreme power, My Helper and King
Ebum ekele we bia
I come to thank you
Onye inye akam eeh (3) Abia woo
My Helper (3x) has come
Obia woo eehh, Omewo ka mu huria
He has come, He has made me glad
Eleme manya n’ugwu na ndida
I looked up to the hill and valley
Si ole ebe k’inye akam y’esi bia
say from where comes my help
Ibia wo nu ehh, we zimu enye maka
You have come and shown me help
Onye inye akam oooo 3x
(My Helper oooo)
I’ve come to Worship you
Onye inye akam oooo 2x
(My Helper oooo)
The one you helped
has come to worship you
Andinwam oooo 3x
(My Helper oooo)
I’ve come to Worship you
Andinwam oooo 2x
(My Helper oooo)
The one you helped
has come to worship you
My Helper oooo 3x
I’ve come to Worship you
My Helper oooo 2x
The one you helped
has come to worship you
My helper ooo Daddy you are my helper
you are my strong tower, my way maker
You’re the author of my faith, the giver of my life
The one you helped has come to worship you
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