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“The place of rehearsals shouldn’t be swept under the carpet” – Judith Kanayo Speaks on an Exclusive Interview

Judith Kanayo interview
Following the release of her chat-topping single “More Than Gold (Produced by Sunny Pee)” that has gotten great attention worldwide, Judith Kanayo Has proven to be a major act to watch out for this season. Over the past week SonsHub Media has an exclusive one on one interview with the Songstress. Check Out the Interview Below;


Correspondent: Good day songbird. It’s such a pleasure to be on a one on one with you
JUDIIKAY: Hello Good Afternoon


Correspondent: Can we meet you ma’am?


JUDIIKAY: I am Judith Kanayo a. K. A Judiikay.  Music Minister of this gospel of Jesus and Songwriter ,Thespian and a business  woman.


Correspondent: When You say “This Gospel Of Jesus” What Do You Mean


JUDIIKAY: The beautiful liberating  goodnews of Jesus 


Correspondent: That’s Interesting


So Ma’am tell us, What Inspires your Music?


JUDIIKAY: Fellowship with the HolyGhost,Life,beauty of Creation


Correspondent: Awesome!!!
We’ll want to know, Which artiste do you listen to in terms of music wise?


JUDIIKAY: Oh quite a number of them Bethel Music, Hill song Worship,Tasha Cobbs-Leonard,Lebo Sekgobela,Jason Nelson to mention a few


Correspondent: WOW!!!!
What do you find interesting about this guys you mentioned


JUDIIKAY: Their ability to put in simple  words the message of Jesus;the fulfilled promise,love of the Father, the beauty of his works and the fire that burns in our  hearts, into songs
So much so that the songs resonates in the heart of everyone that hears it.
I find that very interesting


Correspondent: This is absolutely true and very interesting too.
Unto The Next, So we could say you’re an absolute minister of the Gospel of Christ (Which encompasses the message of his death, burial, Resurrection and which expresses his absolute Love towards us)




Correspondent: Let’s Move Forward
Who would you love to do a collaboration with?



JUDIIKAY: I’ll Love to do a collaboration with Minister Tasha  Cobbs-Leonard Leonard
Correspondent: Awwwn
That’s Lovely, Mama you have eyes ooo 




Correspondent: What should we expect from you in the next 3-5 years?


JUDIIKAY: Live Recording album/Concerts…  And many  more projects and sounds as we are led to release per season


Correspondent: That’s Good to Know Ma.
We see you have a very great fashion sense. what’s fashion for you? What’s appropriate or inappropriate?



JUDIIKAY: Oh really… Thank You.  I just do decent,and go with what’s comfortable for me.  Little  here and there… And we good 


Correspondent: What are the challenges facing gospel music? How do you surmount them?


JUDIIKAY: Funding should be a major challenge.. But we learn per time that provisions for projects are usually sorted by the one who sent us.. 
Because  it’s  His message, He always  funds it by the works of our hands, through  relationships,He just always funds it.


Correspondent: On a scale of 1-10.   Rate yourself as an artiste. And Why rate yourself that?


JUDIIKAY: Hilarious.
Please ask our Readers. Next question  



Correspondent: OK Ma’am “Our Lovely Readers” we hope to see your ratings on the comment section


We Hope you’re having a great time on this interview.




Correspondent: Over to the Next question on our desk
Any regrets about your music so far?


JUDIIKAY: I used to.. 
But you see,I began to understand it is all a process.. And our walk is progressive… We get no regrets at all!


Correspondent: Nice!!!
Is there anything you wish you did earlier?


JUDIIKAY: To be honest, nothing at all.


Correspondent: What would you count as your highest achievement in ministry?


JUDIIKAY: That people can listen to my songs and experience genuinely for themselves, the person of Jesus


Correspondent: Wow!!!
That’s the Spirit Girl

Your song “More than gold” is everywhere on the airwaves, with over 40k downloads on our platform and 15k views on our youtube Channel and we are expecting so much from the song this year. How do you feel about that? What are we to look up to soonest?



JUDIIKAY: I’m elated  with what Jesus is doing through the song to be honest… And I’ve been deeply humbled by the testimonies.
Video drops in a bit..we’d  let you in on the next as they unfold  


Correspondent: So she’s keeping us in Suspense 😭
Butterflies already growing in my stomach 




Correspondent: What’s your take on the phrase “gospel artiste“?
Like Some people would say they are Inspirational Singers, Some will say they are worshippers, Some will say they are Ministers
What’s your take on all this?





I think they are cheap distractions .. Imagine soldiers on the field arguing about if they should be called fighters or warriors or troubleshooter and all of that..  Cheap distraction!
As believers we are all worshippers and ministers..whether  thou art a banker, singer, lawyer etc; the former  
because worship is our YES and obedience to our Father. ..and the latter because 2 Corinthians  5:19-20 teaches us that we all as believers  have now become ambassadors of *the* reconciliation work of Christ,having received  the life  of Christ ..
Having sorted that out,as far as we are clear on our identity in Christ,purpose here on earth which is still Christ, and we walk in alignment  with  the will of the Father daily. We go dey alright.


Correspondent:: Wow this is an Eye opener
Mehn This is turning to a full sermon 
Anyways thanks for that, we hope our readers and those who are distracted by this trivial issues get corrected.



JUDIIKAY: I apologize for the epistle 


Correspondent: Ahh keep it coming ma,
What do you think a gospel artiste should focus more on, rehearsal or prayer?


JUDIIKAY: Prayer and then rehearsals ;
In the place of prayer is where we can be aligned to His will.  We cannot afford to joke with that relationship.  It is the engine room of our purpose.  
Rehearsals are also very important.  Skill is key.  
We can’t pray and go present what is not fit for a king;  excellence.. 
Also you can’t rehearse all the syncopations and arrangement.. Without the Holy Ghost it would be noise. 
The place  of prayer  is key..  The place of rehearsals shouldn’t be swept under the carpet.


Correspondent: What a balance 
Now Something out of the box, Errrnnm… a bit personal thoughAre you married? Single or engaged?




Do you know this song?
‘I’m married to Jesus… ‘ just be singing it till you reach the next question 


Correspondent: This is hilarious and a Smart One. 
Since Mama feels she’ll make us sing “I’m Married to Jesus”, We’re Singing it ooo. 
So, On a closing Note, 
What do you have to say to those who love your music and look up to you?



JUDIIKAY: I’m saying thank you to everyone. There’s  progress  in this faith. Stay steadfast.  I really do love you.


Correspondent: Any Message to Fellow Gospel Music Ministers?


JUDIIKAY: More than anything, let’s walk in agape.. Let’s walk  with the Holy Ghost..  We refuse the pride of knowledge that raises dust and blinds the weak.  We refuse envy, competition and and bitterness.. We walk in agape..  Doing the Father’s will together.  Sharing burdens, Sharing in our joy,till the earth is filled with the knowledge of Jesus.


Correspondent: Awesome, this is thought provoking. Nice one Ma.
So how do we connect with you via social medias?


JUDIIKAY: @judiikay on IG and Twitter and for
Facebook it’s Judith Kanayo


Correspondent: It was an awesome time with you ma, we really do appreciate you for your time. Do have a wonderful  day and God bless


JUDIIKAY: You’re welcome  


To our Lovely readers, do well to drop your comments below, She will definitely see them. Thanks and remain Blessed.

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