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[NEWS] 12 Amazing Facts about the life of Evangelist Billy Graham that will Wow!!! you
Evangelist Billy Graham, preaches the Gospel to thousands of believers during the meeting at Bercy’s Stadium in Paris as part of a worldwide crusade, September 20, 1986.

Below are some Facts about The Late Evangelist Billy Graham you never Knew..

1. In more than 70 years Billy Graham, who died on Wednesday, preached to nearly 215 million people around the world. Here are some facts about Graham:

2. Graham grew up in Charlotte, North Carolina, as a Presbyterian with dreams of playing professional baseball. His conversion to the Southern Baptist faith came in 1934 at the age of 16 when he heard a traveling evangelist in his hometown. A few years later he decided to become a preacher.

3. Graham did not consider himself a strict interpreter of the Bible and preached a conservative, but not fundamentalist, Christianity.

4. His breakthrough as an evangelist came in 1949 when a three-week tent campaign, or “crusade,” in Los Angeles was extended to eight weeks. In 1957 he preached nightly for 16 weeks in New York’s Madison Square Garden, according to the Graham organization.

5. In 2002 Graham apologized after the release of secretly recorded tapes from 1972 in which he and President Richard Nixon agreed that liberal Jews dominated the U.S. news media. Graham was heard saying the Jewish “stranglehold has got to be broken or the country’s going down the drain.”

6. Hillary Clinton, the former secretary of state, said she first saw Graham preach in 1971 at a crusade in California that she attended at the invitation of then-boyfriend Bill Clinton. She said Graham later counseled her when she was first lady and dealing with her husband’s sex scandal involving White House intern Monica Lewinsky in 1998.

7. In 1950 Harry Truman became the first president to pray with Graham in the White House. Truman was upset the next day when he saw a photo in which Graham had posed kneeling in prayer on the White House lawn and read that Graham had discussed their conversation with reporters.

8. In order to avoid rumors of sexual or financial misconduct, Graham and his lieutenants agreed to what was known as the Modesto Manifesto in 1948. Meeting in a hotel in Modesto, California, they pledged to never be alone in a room with a woman other than their wives, and to keep honest financial records.

9. Graham had a premonition about President John Kennedy’s trip to Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963. In his autobiography, “Just as I Am,” he wrote that in mid-November he began to feel “such a burden” about the trip that he tried to warn Kennedy through a third party and tell him “Don’t go to Texas!” Graham said he was playing golf when he was told that Kennedy had been shot.

10. Graham was listed on Gallup’s annual U.S. poll of most admired people 61 times, including in 2017, more than any other world figure. The person with the second most appearances on the list, which began in 1946, was Ronald Reagan with 31.

11. The 1969 Miami Rock Music Festival featured the Grateful Dead, Santana, Canned Heat, Johnny Winter, Vanilla Fudge and, incongruously enough, Billy Graham. He said he wore a disguise one night so he could mingle and get a feel for the crowd, which he later said was characterized by “spiritual searching and emptiness.” The next morning he preached to the crowd, pointing out that Jesus was a non-conformist who could “fill their souls.”

12. It seemed an unlikely honor when Graham was given a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 1989 but the chairman of the selection committee said: “I can’t think of anybody in the world who has used radio, television and motion pictures in a more positive way.”

Writing by Bill Trott; Editing by Frances Kerry

SOURCE: Reuters

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