Olufemi Majek I’m Restore Mp3 Download
Olufemi Majek – I’m Restore: The restoration of Jesus Christ has brought humanity alot of goodies in life, this made Olufemi Majek release yet another powerful song tittle I’m Restore, a song thats talking about our redemption through His Death and restoration.
“It doesn’t matter what good thing you’ve lost in life and destiny. Jesus, the restorer, is here, he’s here to COMMAND AN END to the Devil’s three-fold operations (to steal, to kill and to destroy) in your life.
He said” ….and I have come that you might have life and have it more abundantly”
He sent you an invitation when he said “come unto me all ye who are labour and heavy laden and I will give you rest”. REST is the Restoration of Everything Satan Took.
God’s reassuring words says “…and I will restore to you the years that the locusts have eating, the cankerworm, the catterpillar and the palmerworm….
“…..you shall eat in plenty and be satisfied and praise the name of the Lord your God that hath dealt wondrously with you and my people shall never be ashamed.”
You’ve been restored to the place of your destiny, to the place of your royalty, to the place of your dignity. Your shame is over. Your pain is over.” Olufemi Majek
Welcome to your REST
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About Artiste
OLUFEMI is a recording Gospel artiste and the CEO of HPDW (Highest Praise Deepest Worship). He released his debut album ‘KING OF WONDERS’ in June 2014 with tracks like ‘Song of my Heart’, ‘Thy Kingdom Come’, ‘Oba Ara’ and ‘I Have a Father’ among others.
As part of a new album project he released a single ‘AWAMARIDI’ in 2017 followed by his latest single ‘I’M RESTORED’