Sunday Mathew Abraham – YI NYA’GMADA Mp3 Download
Sunday Mathew Abraham aka Boncoolar is from FCT use by God in Gospel Music Ministry.
He is a Surveyor by profession, sound engineer, an instrumentalist and a singer.
This is his fourth official single titled YI NYA’GMADA (LET’S CELEBRATE)
YI NYA’GMADA in Gbagyi dialect mean LET’S CELEBRATE
The song is inspired by God, knowing fully well that our salvation is secured because of the coming of
the Lord Jesus Christ. Fe gbe ya nya’gmada yi ci shekwo, ntuge nnaye alayi ngyi ma, Yesu layi ngyi ya.
Let’s Celebrate and jubilate because our Savior is born, Jesus has Saved us.
Listen and Download Sunday Mathew Abraham – YI NYA’GMADA Mp3 Below;
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When mankind failed
God was not happy with us
We were condemned
But he still care for us
All he could do
Is to find a way to save us
Fe gbe ya Nya’gmada Yi CI shekwo
Ntuge naye alayi ngyi ma
Fe gbe ya Nya’gmada Yi lawotu
Ntuge Yesu layi ngyi ya
Celebrate and jubilate
Cos our salvation has been confirmed
Let us dance freely with joy
For we’ve been chosen among the save once
Praise God every time
For all the love that he shows to mankind 2x
Unto us a child is born, a son is given
The government shall be upon his shoulder
His name shall be call
Wonderful, Councillor, Mighty God,
Everlasting father, Prince of Peace, Emmanuel
For God loves the world and he gave his only son
Who believe in him shall not perish
But have eternal life, everlasting life, live forever
Shekwo nugu wa gbe nda nna’anyimi
Wa nsu wahala ntu ayi gbo
Aluwo ankiwo ampe a kyankin gpewo
Du nwo muamuayi awozo fenu
The Lord Jesus Christ suffer all this
Because of the love he has for you for me and all our kind
Let celebrate and glorify his name
Dance with all joy as king David did
Fe gbe ya Nya’gmada Yi lawoyetu
Ntuge Yesu Christy wo layi ngyi ya
Fe gbe ya Nya’gmada Yi CI shekwo
Ntuge naye alayi ngyi ma
Fe gbe ya Nya’gmada Yi lawotu
Ntuge Yesu layi ngyi ya
Celebrate and jubilate
Cos our salvation has been confirmed
Let us dance freely with joy
For we’ve been chosen among the save once
Praise God every time
For all the love that he shows to mankind 2x
Oh ho oh ho
Mun sami ceto don haifuwa Yesu
Oh ho oh ho
Sai mu yi rawa cike da murna
Oh ho oh ho
Muna da bege dawowan Yesu
Oh ho oh ho In
ya dawo zaya kai mu sama 2x
Fe gbe ya Nya’gmada Yi CI shekwo
Ntuge naye alayi ngyi ma
Fe gbe ya Nya’gmada Yi lawotu
Ntuge Yesu layi ngyi ya
Celebrate and jubilate
Cos our salvation has been confirmed
Let us dance freely with joy
For we’ve been chosen among the save once
Praise God every time
For all the love that he shows to mankind 2x