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True Worshippers In Christ – Who’s Interested? Mp3 Download

True Worshippers In Christ - Who's Interested Mp3 Download

download Who’s Interested by True Worshippers In Christ Mp3

“Driving back home after an evening service on the snowy Saturday night of January 20th, 2018, I listened keenly as a presenter on the radio narrated John 3:16. The word “whosoever” popped out to me like I was hearing that scripture for the first time. It reinforced my understanding that, for love’s sake, Christ came to earth, lived for 33⅟2yrs, died and resurrected just to extend an invitation, not to religion, but to salvation through Him. Like any proper invitation, the response is not by coercion but strictly based on one’s interest for his/her soul; it is a CHOICE.

“”WHO’S INTERESTED” weaves through a summary of the fall of man and how God has reached down to save mankind and restore us to His original purpose – Eterna Life. It presents a case for salvation to every listener that is still suffering under the weight of the burden of sin, ignorance, religion, deceit, etc. It points all to the only way of escape, the only way out – JESUS CHRIST.” – Ken Ohi

DOWNLOAD MP3: True Worshippers In Christ – Who’s Interested?



Verse 1
Man was made to live for ever
With a future that is endless
But Adam blew it in the garden
And left his generations hopeless

Verse 2
With love God came to our rescue
When He gave His Son Jesus
To bring mankind back to His purpose
A simple invitation to us

Who’s Interested?
Come on enter in
His arms are open wide
Step in His warm embrace
Drop your heavy burden
He’ll take you just as you are
Give Him your heart now
And find rest for your soul
Who’s Interested?

Verse 3
Everyone longs for a future that’s secure
One void of grief and sorrow
He offers an eternity of glory
So get onboard, don’t wait till ‘morrow

There’s no other way of escape (There’s no other way out)
Jesus is the ONLY Way (The Way, the Truth, the Life)
But it’s totally up to you
The choice you make can save your soul

Anyone so weary
Anyone so thirsty
Anyone lost ‘n’ lonely

Anyone hurting
Anyone hard-searching
Anyone done trying

Anyone heartbroken
Anyone with burden
Anyone heavy laden

Anyone suicidal
Anyone in religion
Anyone in confusion

Who’s Interested?


True Worshipers in Christ (aka TWINC) is a worship project with a clear vision to prepare believers to be found as true worshipers in fulfillment of John 4:23 – 24 and for our sole task after we transit to eternity – worshiping God infinitely (Revelation 4:8), all in readiness for the return of our Great God and Saviour Jesus Christ (Titus 2:13).

Registered in Nigeria and in Canada (as TWINC Music), it has ministers that span both countries. Its main tool for spreading the gospel of Christ is music, original spiritual songs received from on high and presented to listeners via media, concerts and outreaches with a view to drawing souls to Jesus Christ for salvation and encouraging the saints to focus on our home and ultimate destination in line with its theme: Worship towards eternity.


Twitter: @twincif

Instagram: @twinc_if

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