Kairos Promotions embarks on its first project, unleashing its potentials on Gospel music minister Adachi, in the song “Ekele.”
“Ekele” is a statement of confidence in God defiling whatever the circumstance may be. Adachi further explores the prophetic with affirmative declarations according to the word of God. The song will stir hope, faith, joy and confidence in the heart of the listener knowing fully well that God will not “leave [us to suffer hell]; neither will He suffer [His] Holy One to see corruption.” – Acts 2:27
Kairos Promotions is a music distribution and marketing company spearheaded by Gospel music minister Neon Adejo, who is leveraging his years of experience in the Gospel music business terrain to help budding talents thrive. The very first of which is Adachi.
Adachi was discovered on facebook through a short video clip. Her sound is unique, powerful and anointed and it will bless every ear that hears it. She studied Economics at Tai Solarin College of Education, Omu-Ijebu. With her Kairos Promotions partnership, she will enjoy label services such as recordings, distributions and promotions to ensure that she’s heard globally.
“Ekele” was written by Neon Adejo, produced by Emmanuel Eriemi.
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