DOWNLOAD MP3: Olivia Chrysantus – Mee Ya (Do It)

Olivia Chrysantus, is a gospel singer, songwriter, worship leader and a Motivational Speaker. She hails from the Eastern part of Nigeria, Abia State. A wife and a mother. She’s a lover of God whose vision is to see burdens lifted off people’s shoulder and souls saved for Christ through her ministration.

She’s here with a new single titled “Mee Ya” (Do It)

Psalms 115:1-3. In a world where solutions to human needs are far fetched, we totally rely on God Almighty, knowing our help comes from him alone.

People might have mocked you, written you off, and often times, boldly asked you where is your God because of challenges of life. This is a time to bring those issues/burdens at the feet of Jesus (the miracle worker) and confidently ask him to show himself faithful in your life. This song will surely bless you, download and enjoy it.



Lord at your feet, I lay all my burdens down

Because I know that you’re able to do all things

Not unto me oh God, but the glory of your name

Mee ya mee ya….

So many times I’ve faced situation that made people say to me, do you really have God and if truly he is, why hasn’t he helped you

But I know that you’re more than able to do

Exceedingly, abundantly, far above all I could ask or think

so, Jesus do for me that which I can’t do for myself mee ya mee ya

Lord I’m desperately waiting for a now miracle

Mee ya mee ya (2×)

Mee ya k’uwa mara n’ibu chim


mee ya (4×)

mee ya k’uwa mara ‘ibu chi

Miracle worker that’s who you’re, from age to age you’re still the same

Doing wonders that you’re known for, mighty healer

Lord you’ve healed before come and heal again, heal my destiny k’uwa mara n’ibu chi

Way maker, make a way for me k’uwa mara n’ibu chim oh chim oh zam oh k’ndi uwa kwere n’ibu chim


Come and heal, come and deliver, give children to the barren, and open the eyes of the blind, give hope to the hopeless, set the captives free, fight all our battles for us.

Do it Lord(2×)


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