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DOWNLOAD MP3: Deroni - Hallele

This song laced with African rhythm, composed and written by Deroni, lays emphasis on the fact that God’s word supersedes our circumstances and situations. Even when we go through diverse trials and temptations we must not be moved but only say “Hallelujah”. Hallele is a praise song to God. No matter what you face, don’t change your confession, keep saying and singing hallele (hallelujah). He didn’t bring you this far to abandon you. Praise God and let Him take charge.

Praise should never cease from our mouths. Just as the walls of Jericho fell down flat so shall every mountain we face will fall down flat. Hallele means Praise.



Hum hum hum 3x


(Repeat 3x)

Verse 1

I’m not moved by what I see

I’m not moved by what I hear

I’m not moved by what they say

But only move by the word of God

Many are the afflictions of the righteous

But you deliver him from

them all

You are my rock and my salvation

My shield and buckler


It’s a song of victory


Hallele 2x


It’s a song of victory

(Repeat chorus 2x)


my victory Song 2x

that’s what it is Halle 2x

aa oh.

Hum hum hum hallele 4x



eh hallelujah

Verse 2

Don’t be moved by

What you facing

Don’t allow the pain to weigh you down

(no 4x)

Don’t feel bad when all has left you

Only look unto Jesus

He feels the pain

that you’re feeling

He is always there

to pull you out eh… (hum)

even though the world rise up against you

never ever be afraid but only sing hallelujah.

Even though the world rise up against you

never ever be afraid but only shout hallelujah oh oh oh


Hallele 2x


It’s a song of victory

(Repeat chorus) 2x


It is a song

of victory

my song of


oh….eh eh


Hallele hallele e o

Hallele hallele eh

Is a song of victory

Am free to lift my voice

Am free to lift my hands

I praise you everywhere

I go

I will lift your name

No matter what I face


Hallele 2x


It’s a song of victory.

(Repeat chorus)

Hum hum hum hallelujah 6x

It’s a song of victory



I’m coming strong

I’m coming rich

I’m coming


Hum hum hum hallelujah 6x

It’s a song of victory


I’m an Overcomer

The greater one lives in Me


It’s a song of victory.

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