After the successful release of “Ebubedike” which gained good acceptance in september, 2020, Prince Sam Uche is out with another spirit-filled song titled “Your Name”. In a time where the world seems to be in total chaos and confusion, this song reminds us that the name of Jesus is a strong tower and we must run into it and find safety, peace, deliverance and health among so many other things.
“In 2020, during the pandemic, the whole nations of the earth stood still and people began to ask the question “Is God alive?” and I said to one of them, “my God is not dead, because I can see Him every where” And I asked them a question “Have you called the Name of Jesus Today?”
I’ve searched through the Bible, and I’ve come to discover that there’s nothing that the Name of Jesus cannot do. It heals the sick, it raises the dead, it has given hope to the hopeless, strength to the weak, and done much more that we can ever speak of or imagine. The Bible records that at the mention of His Name, every knee in Heaven and on Earth shall bow. Today I ask you reading this, “Have you called the Name of Jesus Today”?
Call His name while you sing this song and He will do what no man can do in your life. God bless you.” – Prince Sam Uche.
The song is produced by the ace gospel music producer, Ebenezer Iriemi. Download and share this song.
Pastor Prince Sam Uche, is a simple bondservant of Jesus Christ, a humble minister separated for the gospel of God through words and music, taking over for our Lord Jesus Christ.
He is the founder of Great Sam Music School worldwide, where he has taught and impacted many lives. Pastor Prince Sam is a prophetic worshipper and has released so many singles and full gospel Albums which include “A new Song”, “You Alone” among others. He is widely travelled, locally and internationally doing music and preaching the Gospel of Christ Jesus.
He is married and blessed with children.