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MUSIC:: Amos Jacob – Ukpahiu Chaka (All Powers) |@iamamosjacob

MUSIC:: Amos Jacob - Ukpahiu Chaka (All Powers) |@iamamosjacob

Amos Jacobs(NUBAH) was born into the family of Jacobs Iyaji in the city of Ajaokuta and bred in the same city of ajaokuta,he started his music career at a tender age because he was wired from birth to sing to the glory of God,he has a blazing album titled INCREDIBLE   which he featured Chris Morgan,the album  is a blessing to so many lives, Amos Jacobs (NUBAH) Had minister along side with great men on the same platforms such as CHRIS MORGAN,SOLOMON LANGE e t c.he has minitered in major programmes both within and outside the state.

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