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READ STORY: Ujanga Maa (The Saviour) – Episode 7

Ujanga Maa (The Saviour) 


She crept into the hut, looking around furtively. Seeing no one, she crept out to the back. There, lay sound asleep, a man clutching a dagger like a talisman to ward off evils. Efie knew he killed her brother, her M’idawe, with this very dagger he clutched. She moved towards him, picking up a rock, looking to bash his head in.

“Hara eeeee
Gawi eeeee
Biji eeeee
Hiise e ya e yaa”

This, she sang under her breath, pushing all kindness, all compassion away, and inviting wicked spirits to help her avenge her brother. The closer she got to the slumbering man, the more determined she was, to kill.

“Madi goo ha sa ya!” She spat, and raised the hand holding the rock high,bringing it down hard, on another rock half buried in the sand.
The slumbering man woke with a start, and was instantly on his guard, gripping his dagger firmly, eyes open wide, legs spread, with feet firmly planted on the ground, muscles bunched for action.

“You killed my brother! “Efie yelled, and ran towards him, bringing the rock down on his left shoulder. The man yelled, grabbing the affected spot. He swung the knife with his right hand in a wide arc, slicing Efie’s thigh.

“Arghhhh!”Efie yelled, more out of anger than pain. Quick as lightning, she knocked the knife out of his hand.Kicking it far away, she brought the rock down again and again on his body, deaf to his cries for mercy, too blinded by sweat to see the blood pouring from his head. She raised her hand for the last time, about to deal the final blow.


Ujanga Maa burst out from the tree line, holding out his hands in supplication.

“My child. Do not do this evil thing!” Ujanga Maa pleaded.

“He killed my brother. He deserves to die,” Efie uttered with a guttural voice, quite unlike hers.

“Who is he?” Ujanga Maa asked, moving forward with great care.

“A killer! Nothing but a wicked killer!” Efie answered, shaking with rage, and unquenched thirst for bloodshed.

“Very good. You kill him, you become him. A killer,” Ujanga Maa reasoned, hands still outstretched, “deserving death.”

“I have nothing left to live for,” Efie said, gripping the unconscious man’s hair, pushing his head back, for maximum impact, “he took him away from me. Everything i have ever lived for. He must die!”
Saying this, she raised her hand again, ready to strike.

“Efie.” This time, the voice was gentle, soothing.

Efie’s hand wavered, and her knees shook. Her face lost the angry, vindictive look, and crumpled in agony. She thrust the man aside and screamed, throwing the rock far away, hearing the soft thud, as it fell.
She fell too, unable to shoulder the weight of her anger and hurt, not knowing who to give it to.
Ujanga Maa moved to pick her up. Cradling her in his arms, he raised his eyes and whispered, “Thank you, Master. ”

© SonsHub Media | Written By Toyin Uzoma

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Toyin Uzoma is a vocalist, writer, motivational speaker, editor, content writer and TV presenter. A student of Imo State University, studying English Education and Chinese Language.

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