E-BOOK : Joseph Ezekwe - Lost Love

Joseph Ezekwe (joessiglow) is the co-founder of TRANSFORMEND and works with amazing minds. He has a strong desire to impact the lives of young adults and teens through his writing and creativity.. the book lost love is the first to be published from him.

Speaking about the book he said “I can’t stop to wonder on the concept of love, the high running emotions, commitments and passion, indeed there is so much joy to hold on to in this world with love.

Your past adventure might have failed and didn’t turn out to be the perfect picture of a relationship you mapped out in your head. Your concept of love and loving might have been shattered.

The book paints a picture that would make you reminisce on the past and of course, look forward to a future filled with so much joy, laughter in your love life. Enjoy! Love…



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