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DOWNLOAD: Comforter -Prince Sam Uche


In John 14: 26, Jesus promised us that ““But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.” The promise of sending the Holy Ghost is constantly being fulfilled in our lives. This is exemplified in our burdens being lightened and hence giving us an opportunity to live a meaningful life in God.

The song, comforter by Prince Sam Uche is a prayer for the Holy Spirit to teach us and guide us along the way as we journey through live.

Download this song and share with others as it blesses you.



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Pastor and gospel singer Prince Sam Uche is a talented man who has trained several gospel musicians in singing and built their skill and ability to play diverse musical instruments. He is always willing to spread the gospel through preaching and singing whenever he has the opportunity to do so. He can be reached on Facebook and Youtube via Prince Sam Uche, or on Instagram @ucheprincesam. Or via WhatsApp on +234 803 594 4589

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