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DOWNLOAD: Odogwu – Kay Wonder ft Maureen Paul ( Mp3 +Lyrics)

Praise to the King of Kings as Minister Kay Wonder features minister Maureen Paul in this new song titled “Odogwu” Kay wonder is a prolific songwriter and gospel artist with so many years of experience in the industry. He has blessed the world with songs that have inspired worship and praise to God.

“Odogwu” is a word used by the eastern tribe in Nigeria to hail a man of war or a man full of god virtues. It literally means a strong man. God has come through for us in several ways than none and it is only ideal that we sing His praises till the end of the earth.

Let us join our voices together and sing this new song by Minister Kay wonder and Minister Maureen Paul and watch our lives move from glory to glory. The Bible says that God inhabits in the praises of his people. This song is sure to bless you and every other listener.

Odogwu by Kay wonder featuring Maureen Paul is out now for download across all platforms.

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Kay Wonder Odogwu Lyrics ft. Maureen Paul

Chimoooo, Chimooo, Chimoooo, Chimooo.

So Gi na- agwo oria
(Only You is the Healer)
Eze biko nara ekele mu o!( King, accept my thanls)
Ibu Chukwu onye oru ebube,

Call- Is there anything too hard for you to do?

Res- Odogwu heyyy
/Odogun heey
Call- Is there any battle so great you cannot conquer?

Res- Odogwu heyyy,
Miracle working God
Call- Are there any doors so strong for you to open?

Res- Is there any sickness impossible to heal?

/ Odogwu heey
/Odogun heey/ Odogwu hey
/Odogun heey/ Odogun heey miracle working God

O nweghi ike ochichiri ga egwu zoro N’ iru Gi
[There is no power of darkness that can stand against You] Onweghi ike cancer ga egwuzoro N’iru Gi
[There is no power of Cancer that can stand against you] Onweghi ike oria ga egwuzoro N’iru Gi
[There is no power of sickness can stand against You] Makana I bu Chukwu Onye oru Ebube
[Because you are wonder working God] Makana I bu Chukwu Onye oru Ebube.
[Because you are wonder working God] Verse2-

Ike nile n’eluigwe, n’elu uwa di Gi n’Aka ( All the powers in Heaven and on earth is in Your Hands)
Onye isi nwuo ga -anwu, onye isi na oga adi, ga diriri.(Who m You say will be alive will be,who You said will be dead,will be dead)

Makana I bu Chukwu Onye omiko(Because You are a merciful God)
Makana I bu Chukwu Onye oru Ebube. (Because You are the wonder working God)
Obi n’eluigwe nke ato were uwa mere ihe mgbakwasi ukwu. (HE that dwells in Heaven and make the earth His footstool)
Anyi na -ario Gi biko mere anyi ebere(We are pleading to You to have mercy on us)
Makana I bu Chukwu Onye Obi ebere( Beacause You are the merciful God.)
Makana I bu Chukwu Onye oru Ebube (Because You are the wonder working God)

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