Ahavah Nation the music team of GraceStreams Church Int’l is out with an amazing tune titled SJS an acronym for Saved, Justified and Sanctified.
The team which has constantly revealed the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ through their songs didn’t disappoint in doing same on this track.
Each and every one of their content will make you leap for joy and get you excited reminding you of the finished work of Christ.
Blotting out all the writings
That was against us
Nailing them to his cross
Bearing all of my burden
Taking the judgement
That was due for me
I am quickened together with him
I’ve been made one spirit with the Lord
Halle x4
Hallelujah to the most high God
Halle x4
Hallelujah to you baba God
Fighting all of my battle
That was before me
Giving me victory
Now am more than conqueror
Glory to Jesus I am victorious
I am seated together with him
I’ve made one spirit with the Lord
Halle x4
Hallelujah to the most high God
Halle x4
Hallelujah to you baba God